KGE 2024 Project - Sport Facilities & Events in Trentino

Introduction and Materials

This project was developed during the 2024/25 academic year as part of the Knowledge Graph Engineering course. This page provides a detailed description of the work completed by our team, consisting of Mouez Khelifi, Pietro Bologna, Christian Sassi. Below, you can find all the links to the resources utilized for the project.

1. Project Purpose

Access to sports facilities and events plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life in Trentino Province. Our project focuses on creating a Knowledge Graph to consolidate information about these resources, offering a unified platform for residents, tourists, and local authorities. With this tool, we aim to inspire active lifestyles, foster community engagement, and support informed decision-making. Ultimately, this initiative promotes public health and cultivates a vibrant sports culture in the region

2. Domain of Interest

The Domain of Interest (DoI) defines the geographical and temporal scope of the project. Geographically, it focuses on the Trentino Province, including both urban and rural sports facilities like soccer fields and basketball courts, as well as sports events within the region. Events data includes those from the Festival dello Sport 2024, emphasizing local sports culture. Temporally, the project covers the year 2024, capturing data on sports facilities and scheduled events during this period. This ensures the dataset reflects the current sports landscape of Trentino.

3. ER Model

The ER diagram, which graphically represents the knowledge gathered in the prior stages. This ER diagram provides detailed information for a technician to delve deeper into the project. The diagram is based on the entity types (ETypes) and attributes identified before. The ETypes have been identified to illustrate how the different entities interact within the model, providing a clear and coherent structure for representing information about sports facilities and events in Trentino:

  1. SportFacility: Represents a facility dedicated to sports, where individuals can participate in various physical activities.
  2. PadelCourt: A court dedicated to padel, a racquet sport.
  3. TennisCourt: A court dedicated to tennis.
  4. VolleyballField: A field dedicated to volleyball.
  5. Sport: Represents a specific type of sport.
  6. Event: Represents an organized sports event, including details on participation and scheduling.
  7. Guest: Represents a guest or participant involved in a sports event.
  8. Organization: Represents an organization responsible for hosting or coordinating sports events.
  9. Location: Represents a physical location where sports facilities and events are held.
  10. EndUser: Refers to the end user who will utilize the service.

4. Information gathering

This section outlines the execution of activities carried out during the Information Gathering phase of the iTelos methodology. The table below provides details on the sources from which the data has been collected.

Data Source Description Access Link
Overpass Turbo Tool for querying OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to extract geospatial features like sports facilities.
OpenData Trentino Open Data Portal of Trentino offering datasets on transportation, tourism, and public services.
Pagine Gialle Online directory of businesses in Italy, including sports facilities.
Festival dello Sport Annual sports event in Trento featuring panels, workshops, and live sports.
Comune di Trento Official website of Trento’s municipal administration providing public service and event info.
List of Municipalities List of municipalities in Trentino province. GitHub Link

Here, a summary table of the final datasets.

CSV file Description
Sport.csv The file contains the specific type of sport.
SportFacility.csv The file contains the facility dedicated to sports.
PadelCourt.csv The file contains the facility dedicated to padel.
TennisCourt.csv The file contains the facility dedicated to tennis.
VolleyballField.csv The file contains the facility dedicated to volleyball.
Event.csv The file contains the events in the Trentino Province.
Guest.csv The file contains the participant involved in a sports event.
Organization.csv The file contains the organization hosting the events.
Location.csv The file contains the physical location of sports and events facilities.
EndUser.csv The file contains the users who utilizes the service.

5. Language definition

The Language Definition phase focuses on adapting the language needed to represent the information and relationships in the Knowledge Graph (KG). It ensures concepts align with the project’s goals and accurately represent entity types, attributes, and relationships. Existing ontologies like the UKC,, and OpenStreetMap are used to identify definitions, and if a concept is missing, a new ConceptID is created. Due to the need for careful review, automation isn’t feasible, as concepts must be evaluated both grammatically and semantically, as shown in the custom definition of “Guest.”

EType concept labels and descriptions:

ConceptID Word-en Gloss-en
UKC-2593 sport An active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition.
UKC-17619 facility A building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry.
UKC-56 event Something that happens at a given place and time.
UKC-43416 organization The persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something.
UKC-695 location The persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something.
UKC-53492 user A person who makes use of a thing; someone who uses or employs something.
KGE24-SportFacilities&SportEvents-8001 guest Represents a guest or participant involved in a sports event.
KGE24-SportFacilities&SportEvents-8002 padelCourt A court dedicated to padel, a racquet sport.
KGE24-SportFacilities&SportEvents-8003 tennisCourt A court dedicated to tennis.
KGE24-SportFacilities&SportEvents-8004 volleyballField A field dedicated to volleyball.

Relationships concept labels and descriptions:

ConceptID Word-en Gloss-en
UKC-85982 placed Situated in a particular spot or position.
UKC-104711 organise Create (as an entity).
UKC-101132 appear Character on stage or appear in a play, etc.
UKC-97761 play Participate in games or sport.
UKC-105477 attend Be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.
UKC-92536 basedOn Being derived from (often followed by ‘on’ or ‘upon’).
UKC-103527 have Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense.

Data properties concept labels and descriptions:

ConceptID Word-en Gloss-en
UKC-36247 identification Evidence of identity; something that identifies a person or thing (full form of “id”).
UKC-33531 given_name The name that precedes the surname.
UKC-33528 family_name The name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member’s given name). birthDate Date of birth. hasOccupation The person’s occupation.
UKC-2 name A language unit by which a person or thing is known. startDate The start date and time of the item. endDate The end date and time of the item.
UKC-45004 address The place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with.
UKC-45537 municipality An urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government.
OSM-surface surface Describes the surface of a feature.
UKC-75466 lit Provided with artificial light.
UKC-83504 covered Overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form. openingHours The general opening hours for a business. Opening hours can be specified as a weekly time range, starting with days, then times per day. telephone The telephone number. email Email address. url URL of the item.

6. Knowledge definition

The Knowledge Definition phase starts with resources from previous phases, formalized objectives, and acquired data to develop the teleontology for the Knowledge Graph (KG). This involves constructing knowledge resources using established ontologies and data schemas, while supporting data reuse. Tasks are divided into producer and consumer roles: the producer creates interoperable ontologies for individual datasets, while the consumer designs a unified ontology for the composite KG.

6.1 Ontology

This section describes the top-down knowledge definition phase of the kTelos process. The objective is to define a high-level view of the entities involved in the project already aligned with the UKC.

Source Ontology Name Event Organization Person Place
Custom Activity
Custom Location

6.2 Teleology

This section describes the bottom-up knowledge definition phase of the kTelos process, aimed at developing a teleology that aligns with the project’s purpose and data, particularly addressing Competency Questions. Four key integration areas are identified: User, Place, SportFacility, and Event. The results, shown in images from Protégé, highlight classes (yellow dots), data properties (green rectangles), and object properties (blue rectangles).

Domain Object Property Ranges
User_UKC-53492 play_UKC-97761 Sport_UKC-2593
User_UKC-2593 attend_UKC-105477 Event_UKC-56
Event_UKC-56 basedOn_UKC-92536 Sport_UKC-2593
Event_UKC-56 placed_UKC-85982 Location_UKC-695
Guest_KGE24-SportFacilities&SportEvent-8001 appear_UKC-101132 Event_UKC-56
Organization_UKC-43416 organise_UKC-104711 Event_UKC-56
Sport_UKC-2593 have_UKC-103527 Facility_UKC-17619
Facility_UKC-17619 placed_UKC-85982 Location_UKC-695

6.3 Teleontology

This section explains the middle-out Knowledge Definition phase of the kTelos process, focusing on merging the project-specific teleology with the general-purpose lightweight ontology to form a teleontology. The resulting outcome is presented below:

7. Entity definition

This section covers the final phase of the iTelos methodology, Data Definition, which integrates knowledge and data processes into a cohesive structure. By synthesizing knowledge frameworks with aligned data and teleontology, the goal is to create a comprehensive Knowledge Graph. The phase addresses semantic diversity to ensure alignment with the project’s objectives, and is divided into three core activities: Entity Matching, Entity Identification, and Entity Mapping.

8. Conclusion and Open Issues

The project successfully developed a Knowledge Graph (KG) to consolidate information on sports facilities and events in Trentino, using the iTelos methodology to integrate diverse datasets and address Competency Questions (CQs). While the project achieved its primary goal, it also encountered challenges, such as data gaps and inconsistencies, which required manual intervention. Future improvements could be made by establishing data standards to enhance the KG’s coverage, versatility, and flexibility. The setup of KarmaLinker posed difficulties, highlighting the need for a unified platform combining various tools. The project’s limited temporal and geographical scope restricted scalability, but expanding it in the future could increase the KG’s utility for a broader audience.


Mouez Khelifi -

Christian Sassi -

Pietro Bologna -
